How do I Change the First Day of the Week to Monday (or ...

Jorteisoneofthemostpopularcalendar&organizerapplications.Inadditiontothecalendarfunctionforenteringdailyschedules,itispackedwith ...,評分4.1(258)·免費·iOSJorteisoneofthemostpopularcalendar&organizerapplications.Inadditiontothecalendarfunctionfore...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download Jorte Calendar app for iPhone and iPad

Jorte is one of the most popular calendar & organizer applications. In addition to the calendar function for entering daily schedules, it is packed with ...

Jorte Calendar on the App Store

評分 4.1 (258) · 免費 · iOS Jorte is one of the most popular calendar & organizer applications. In addition to the calendar function for entering daily schedules, it is packed with ...

在App Store 上的「Jorte 行事曆」

評分 4.1 (2,118) · 免費 · iOS 來自日本的超人氣行事曆◇◇ ~ 全球突破3500萬次下載! ~ Jorte是一款兼具行事曆和記事本功能的應用程式。 不僅可以與家人、同事和朋友共享行事曆,還能簡單切換不同的行事 ...


在iPhone版的Jorte上可同步iOS的內建行事曆及Google喔! 也可以把Google上的行程同步到iOS行事曆上1. 在Jorte上同步iOS及Google日曆(1)同步iOS及G.

Jorte Calendar & Organizer

評分 3.8 (211,639) · 免費 · Android Jorte is one of the most popular calendar & organizer applications. Recommended by many websites and newspapers as one of the Best Calendar apps.


開啟新手機上的iPhone「行事曆」App, 確認行程活動資料都有完整顯示※因爲Jorte是將iPhone「行事曆」App內的行程活動反映到Jorte內 2️⃣ 在新iPhone的Jorte內設定iOS行事曆


1️⃣ 確認iPhone的設定 開啟手機的「設定」→「行事曆」→「同步」→「所有行程」 2️⃣ 確認iPhone的行事曆App 1. 開啟iPhone的「行事曆」App →點選「行事曆」

About Jorte|Jorte Calendar

可以連結您已在使用的行事曆. 可以輕鬆連結其他行事曆,例如Google行事曆和iOS行事曆。在Jorte中輸入後,行程可顯示到連結的 ...

About Jorte|Jorte Calendar

Jorte is a popular free app that has been downloaded all over the world which offers an easy-to-use calendar app with a touch of a personal organizer.

Jorte Calendar

Personalize your calendar with your favorite background images, icons, fonts, menus, event calendars, etc. while keeping your schedule saved in Jorte.


Jorteisoneofthemostpopularcalendar&organizerapplications.Inadditiontothecalendarfunctionforenteringdailyschedules,itispackedwith ...,評分4.1(258)·免費·iOSJorteisoneofthemostpopularcalendar&organizerapplications.Inadditiontothecalendarfunctionforenteringdailyschedules,itispackedwith ...,評分4.1(2,118)·免費·iOS來自日本的超人氣行事曆◇◇~全球突破3500萬次下載!~Jorte是一款兼具行事曆和記事本...